The TSA has been receiving increased complaints in regard to new screening procedures, particularly with the full-body imaging machines, and the controversial pat-down (for those who prefer to stay away from the machines). Because of these complaints, the U.S. Travel Association has created a new website where people can easily voice their complaints or comments. The U.S Travel Association will then share the comments with the Obama Administration, Congress as well as with the travel industry. While they are taking complaints, they are also asking those commenting to answer the following questions:
- What’s currently working in the air travel security screening process? What’s not working?
- How can the current screening process be improved?
- What are your personal experiences with the air travel security screening process?
This site is meant for the public to offer constructive comments, which will be taken seriously. No information will be shared with third parties. You can go to the site by clicking here, or going to, where you will find the link in our Blog section under Blog Roll. We hope you find this information helpful and we welcome your comments.
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