Hawaii may be a U.S. state but at 2,400 miles from San Francisco it can feel like a world away. Its unique situation means that honeymoon couples can enjoy the comfort and convenience of home while the tropical climate and incredible landscape remind them that they are actually in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If that sounds like your idea of a perfect honeymoon you may be wondering what the best time of year is to go to Hawaii… So let’s dive in!
There really is no bad time to visit the Hawaiian islands weather-wise. Being so close to the equator means that variation in temperatures throughout the year is limited. You can expect an average of 85° F in summer (May to October) and 78° F in winter (November to April). August is generally the hottest month and January the coldest. The most rainfall occurs in November.
Trade Winds and Kona Winds
Trade winds blow across Hawaii 80% of the time. They bring gentle cooling breezes from the northeast and make even the hottest days more pleasant.
Each island has a wet and dry side. The side of the islands that the winds reach first (the northeast) is called the windward side. The windward side will be windier and wetter. Moisture carried in on the wind will bring clouds and rain as the air is forced up by the mountains and condenses.

The wind has to travel across the islands to reach their leeward side (the southwest). By the time the trade winds reach the leeward side, they are weaker and drier making for a very different climate.

Kona winds blow from the opposite direction from the trade winds, the southwest, but only in the winter months and for short periods of time. They bring with them muggier conditions and sometimes rain.
Island climate is of course greatly influenced by the winds. The Big Island of Hawaii has 8 of the world’s 13 climate zones! Each micro-environment has its own weather, landscape, plants, and wildlife. Within the span of just a few miles, you can find tropical rainforests, cool alpine regions, arid deserts, and sunny beaches. A completely different honeymoon experience is often just a short drive away.
Vog (volcanic fog/smog) that irritates the eyes and lungs may be present when the Kīlauea volcano is erupting. Sulfur dioxide emissions react in the atmosphere producing fine particles which scatter sunlight and produce a haze. Areas downwind of Kīlauea on the Big Island’s leeward side are usually the most affected.
Hurricanes are rare in Hawaii. A high-pressure region to the northeast helps the water temperature to stay stable, shielding the islands from large powerful storms. Just four hurricanes have had a significant direct impact on the Hawaiian islands since 1957.
High vs Low Season
The most popular times for trips to Hawaii are the school summer holidays, mid-June to end of August, and during the North American winter, especially Christmas and New Year’s. These are Hawaii’s high seasons and will be busier and more expensive. Honeymoon couples can find lower airfares and quieter beaches during the low seasons from mid-April to mid-June and from September to mid-December.
Only in Hawaii
Different parts of the year bring their own unique experiences to Hawaii. If you hope to take part in any of the activities below, be mindful of the best time to visit.
- Surfing: November through March. Expect the largest swells of the year in winter especially on the north and west shores of the islands.
- Whale watching: January through March. Humpback whales travel 3,000 miles to mate in Hawaii’s warm waters and put on quite a show!
- Snorkeling: May through September. The water is warm, the swell is low, clouds and rain are less likely.
- Ironman World Championship: October. A huge event that takes place annually on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Hawaii Specials
We work with resorts located both in the mainland United States as well as in Hawaii, who have some amazing offers for those couples willing to travel in non-peak times. We also have Remarkable Honeymoon Packages with up-to-date offers at nearly every resort whether it be located on Maui, the Big Island, Kauai, or Oahu. Some specials are very time-sensitive and therefore we recommend you contact us to put options together for your specific needs.
We hope we answered any questions you may have had about the best time of year to go to Hawaii. If you have any other questions, we’d love to hear from you! If you’re ready to discover pricing for your dream Hawaii honeymoon, please request a quote today.
The Remarkable Honeymoons Team
Luxury Travel Designers
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