Airlines are seeing higher profits due to the myriad of fees that they charge. Keep an eye out for more hidden fees, which are being added to the reservations process. If you need to call your airline and make a change, what will they charge to speak with a live person? Be sure to find out prior to making reservations, as those fees can far outweigh the savings of booking one airline over the other. Keep in mind that your travel agent does not charge to speak with you! In addition, we highly recommend checking out Luggage Limits, a great site for finding out what you will be charged to check luggage, as well as carry-on limitations. Please feel free to visit our website as well, at anytime. There are some amazing offers available for travel next year whether you are thinking about what to do for your Honeymoon or Anniversary, or if you just need a romantic getaway to the South Pacific! We wish you the best travel experience possible over this holiday season and we would love to hear from you!
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